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Enumerate the bones of the upper limb, shoulder girdle and the joints of the upper limb. Add a note on the elbow joint.                                                        

Bones of the upper limb
Humerus - Arm or Upper arm

Radius - Forearm
Ulna   - Forearm

Carpal bones - wrist/ hand  - Pisiform, Triquetral, Lunate, Scaphoid, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate

Proximal Row : medial to lateral : Pisiform, Triquetral, Lunate, Scaphoid                         
                                                          Please     Take          Lovely   Sophia 
Distal Row : Lateral to  medial : Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate
                                                      To                 The            Coffee      House

Meta carpal bones 5 one for each finger - Palm

Phalanx (Phalanges) (Fingers) : 2 for thumb - Proximal & Distal
                                                     3 for each of the other four fingers - Proximal, Middle & Distal

Bones of the shoulder girdle : scapula, clavicle and humerus

Elbow Joint

It is the junction between the lower end of humerus and the upper ends of radius and ulna
It is a synovial joint
Hinge joint
Three different portions surrounded by a common joint capsule (fibrous)
Communicates with superior radio-ulnar joint
Latin word for elbow - cubitus
The part in front of the elbow joint is called cubital fossa

Three land marks : Lateral epicondyle, Medial epicondyle and the Olecranon Process of the ulna
When the elbow is flexed these three for an equilateral triangle

Synovial Membrane
Extends from the articular margins on the humerus and covers the conoid and radial fossae and the olecranon fossa posteriorly. distally it prolongs down to the neck of the radius and the superior radioulnar joint
On the humerus there are extrasynovial fat pads

Ulnar collateral ligament
Radial collateral ligament

Forearm is aligned to the upper arm during flexion, but forms an angle to the upper arm during extension : called carrying angle which is more accentuated in females.

Main flexors
Biceps brachii
Active flexion is limited to 145°
Triceps brachii

Blood Supply
(Cubital anastomosis)
The supplying arteries are derived fron an extensive circulatory anastomosis between the brachial artery and its terminal branches:
Profunda brachii artery
Anterior branch of profunda
Radial collateral branch of profunda
Superior ulnar collateral branch of brachial artery
Radial recurrent branch of Radial artery
Anterior ulnar recurrent branch of ulnar artery
Posterior ulnar recurrent branch of ulnar artery

Lymphatic Drainage
Epitrochlear nodes
The deep nodes at the bifurcation of the  brachial artery
the efferent lymph  vessels from the elbow proceed to the lateral group of axillary lymph nodes

Musculocutaneous nerve
Median nerve
Radial nerve
Nerve to anconeus muscle from radial nerve

Articular Surfaces of the joint
It consists of two separate articulations:
Trochlear notch of the ulna and the trochlea of the humerus
Head of the radius and the capitulum of the humerus

Applied Anatomy
Tennis Elbow - overuse injury - caused by repetitive motions of the hand and forearm and from trauma to the same areas. It causes injury to the tendons that connect the extensor supinator muscles to the olecranon process

Golfer's elbow
Similar to tennis elbow. Caused by motions like a golf swing. Injury to the tendons near the  medial epicondyle of the elbow
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Known as ulnar neuropathy - ulnar nerve is irritted and becomes inflamed at the site where it becomes most superficial at the elbow.

You Tube animation of shoulder joint

Articular surfaces of the elbow joint